Fellow Application

The University of Delaware, and the Appoquinimink, Christina, Colonial, New Castle County Vo-Tech and Red Clay Consolidated School Districts, in affiliation with the Yale National Initiative® to strengthen teaching in public schools, have established the Delaware Teachers Institute in New Castle County. Each year, the Institute offers a limited number of fellowships for teachers to participate in content area seminars, and to learn the Teachers Institute approach to professional development. To be considered, the eligibility criteria below must be met. A building principal must support this application, and a district curriculum specialist must review it. NOTE: Your application will be routed to your supervisors electronically using the emails you provide in the application. You will receive an email indicating that the supervisor emails have been sent so that you know when to follow up with them to ensure they electronically approve your application. BE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK THE SPELLING IN THE EMAIL ADDRESSES TO AVOID DELAYED APPROVALS.

Teachers who successfully complete the program and submit seminar leader approved curriculum units will receive a $1250 stipend and 50 hours of professional development toward licensure.


Within the “essay” sections below please briefly answer the following questions. These “essays” can be just a few sentences or a list. DTI is most interested in what you hope to get out of your seminar experience, what interests you about the topics being presented and how you hope to use them in your classroom. We understand that your ideas will evolve so this is a chance to share how your DTI experience can help to support you and your students.


  • Essay 1: Describe your interest in the Delaware Teachers Institute. How do you envision your participation helping you strengthen your teaching and learning and providing you opportunities to expand your leadership skills. If you are a returning fellow and are interested in being considered for a mentor, seminar coordinator or steering committee role please note your interest as a portion of this essay.
  • Essays 2 & 3: Being a DTI Fellow means working with University of Delaware professors and other teachers to develop an original, 5,000 to 10,000 word curriculum unit for use in your classroom, consistent with and including state and district standards. The unit explains how you will teach a particular aspect of the seminar subject to your students. In two separate essays (Essay boxes 2 and 3 in the application), identify the two seminars to which you would like to apply , and your interest in these topics. We aim to diversify participants in seminars across districts and grade levels so there is an equal chance you will be placed in your first or second choice. For each essay, describe a research-based curriculum unit you might write as a result. How do you believe your experience will strengthen your teaching and lead to improved student achievement?

*DTI Seminar Offerings for 2023

(Mondays 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.) –

Delivery Method:

Most seminar sessions will be offered via Zoom; however some sessions will include field experiences like museum visits or visits to community-based environmental justice projects based on Fellow availability.

See the DTI Program Schedule for exact dates

Read the full proposals here:


  1. Full time, K-12 classroom teacher in one of these subject areas: English, history or social studies, foreign language, art, health, music, science, math, or career area, if a vocational teacher.
  2. Intention to remain in the teaching profession and in the same school district, for at least 5 years.
  3. Close relationship of subject and course(s) the applicant teaches to the seminar and proposed curriculum unit.
  4. Willingness to help sustain the Delaware Teachers Institute during and beyond the year of seminar participation.
  5. Participation in all meetings associated with the DTI.
  6. Review by district curriculum specialist/representative and approval of school principal of applicant’s proposal, as consistent with and significant for school curricula, and confirmation of relevant courses applicant will be assigned to teach in the coming year.

Application Form